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Selecting Valves for the Whole Project (Global Preselection)

Shows step-by-step how to add valve data to the Global preselection tab of the Valves dialog, which will be used in the calculation for all valves of this type.

Before you begin


You have installed a manufacturer data set that contains suitable valve data or have created suitable user-defined data sets.

Navigate to:

Project tabDisciplineAnalyse tab

Applies to: Heating, Cooling, Potable water.

Analyse tab Linear Revit heating


  1. Click Valves in the Material data section.

    The Valves dialog opens.

  2. Open the Global preselection tab.
    Dialog valves Linear Revit
  3. Optional: Select a class for the desired Calculation Type (valve type) in the drop-down list in the Class column.
  4. Select the desired Calculation Type (valve type) and click Select ....

    The Select valve series dialog opens.

  5. Select a manufacturer, a kind of valve and, if necessary, a valve type.

    The matching valves are listed in the Models/Name section. The filters in the Filter versions and accessories section can be used to further narrow down the selection.

  6. Select a valve in the Models/Name section.

    The table displays the valve data.

  7. If you want to exclude certain nominal diameters from being used, deactivate the Selection field in the corresponding line.
  8. Click Apply.


The Select Valve Series dialog closes and the selected valve is added to the Valves dialog. The data of the selected valve are used within the calculation for all valves of this type which are contained in the project.

Valves select dialog Linear Revit