Details on Reports
Information about the Reports dialog in Pipe and Air Duct Network Calculations.
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Applies to: Heating, Potable water, Waste water, Ventilation, Cooling, Gas.
The reports are organized according to errors, warnings and notes. If an error message exists, this is indicated by a red coloring of the report button in the calculation dialog. If there are warnings regarding the calculation, the button is colored yellow. If there are only notes regarding the calculation the button is colored orange. If no notes or errors exist, the button is uncolored.
When clicking a report, the detailed report description is displayed in the section below and you can use the Show function.
Detailed report description
Shows detailed information on the selected report. If possible, a suggestion how for handling the error is shown. If the error is caused by a particular component, the component number and, if applicable, the section part or flow path number are displayed.
If the localization of the error source via Show is not sufficient, you can find the component, the section part or the flow path using the Search function from the calculation dialog. After entering the component, section part or flow path number in the text field next to the button, click Search.
Various options for filtering the objects in the overview are available via the Filter button.
Only display messages for the object: When selecting an individual component in the overview, you can use this option to explicitly display only the messages that relate to this component.
Hide Systems: Hides the names of the systems in the overview.
Hide Ignored Reports: Hides the reports that have been marked with the Ignore command. If this option is deactivated, the ignored reports are shown but grayed out.
Shows the component or the area in the model to which the report refers. This can be a section part or a component. Pressing Esc brings you back to the Reports dialog.
Calculation dialog
Only active if the selected message relates to a component. Returns to the calculation dialog and selects the corresponding component.
Text file...
Creates a text file with the detailed report descriptions. You can save and edit the text file.