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Setting System types for Network Detection

Shows step-by-step how to select system types that should be considered in the detection.

Before you begin

You want to check and define which system types should be taken into account when detecting the pipe/duct network.


If you are working ona native LINEAR Project management and have not made any user-defined adjustments, the automatic layer selection will usually lead to the desired results.

Navigate to:

Project tabDisciplines …DisciplineAnalyse tab Configurations …

Applies to all disciplines.


  1. Open the dialog System types by clicking on the corresponding category or on the corresponding medium.
  2. You can either
    • enable all necessary system types individually with a click, or
    • carry out an automatic assignment by clicking on .
  3. Confirm your selection by clicking OK and repeat the steps for the remaining media or categories.


The desired system types are set for detection and are taken into account in the calculation.