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Details on Assign Insulating Material

Information on the Assign insulating material dialog in Waste water pipe network calculation.

In this dialog you can define insulating materials, maximum velocities and the maximum pressure gradient for different applications and then assign these properties to ducts in the model. You can save compilations of self-defined application cases in a separate file to use them in other projects.

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Project tabDiscipline VentilationPlanning typeAnalyse tabMaterial dataAssign insulation ...

Dialog insulation Revit

Table cases of application




Enter a free name for the case of application.

Max v, R-max

Enter values for the maximum velocity and the maximum pressure gradient of the ducts.

Insulation inside, Insulation outside

Click ... , to select an insulating material from the table of insulation for the inside or outside of the duct.

Thickness, Lambda

Displays the insulation thickness and heat conductivity of the selected insulation.


Select a filter to determine which pipe types are to be insulated. When assigning the insulating material, only the filtered pipes are insulated.

Inquire <

After clicking this button you select a duct and the assigned case of application is highlighted in the table.

Assign <

Mark the line of the desired case of application in the table. After clicking Assign <, select the section part which is to receive the selected insulating material. Only the pipe types are insulated, which are set in the filter.


Loads a previously saved compilation of insulating materials.


The configuration in this table can be saved in a separate file. This way, these cases of application can be used for other projects.


Opens the Tables of insulation dialog. Under user-defined or user-defined insulation, you can create new insulating materials and edit or remove created insulating materials.