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About the Classification of Components

Explains the concept of classifying components for the Pipe and Duct Network Calculation.

During classification, components are assigned the appropriate calculation type so that these components are taken into account in the calculation according to their function.

Classification dialog in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

The classification is based on the cross-disciplinary three-step MepClasses classification system, which was specially developed for the building technology sector. Components that are used in several disciplines only need to be classified once in order to be correctly included in the calculation in all disciplines.

Structure of the Classification System

The top level of the system is the Domain, which represents the different areas of building technology, e.g. Heating/Cooling or Fresh Water/Drainage.

Within the domain, a division is made according to the functions of the components (Function). This level combines objects that have comparable functions, such as expansion vessels and backflow preventers, which fulfill safety functions in the Heating/Cooling domain and are grouped under the Safety function.

The third level of organization is the Class of components. The object classes, which represent specific characteristics of the individual functions, are defined at this level. The Safety function, for example, includes classes such as Backflow Preventers, Expansion Vessels and Water Shortage Safety Devices. Based on the selection of the class, the calculation types and thus the functions of the components in the network and the technical data used in the calculation are defined. Depending on the class, further variants of the classes may be offered, which differ for example in terms of slightly different technical data and other designations for the output in the parts list. The technical data of each individual component can be customized for the Pipe and Duct Network Calculation.

Assigning and Saving Classifications

To classify a component, this component must lie on a layer belonging to the pipe or duct network calculation and have at least one connection, otherwise it cannot be included in the calculation.

The classification involves checking whether the component has enough connections for the selected calculation type and whether the flow direction in the connections is correct. If the former is not the case, the component cannot be calculated with the selected calculation type and a corresponding message is displayed.

The MepClasses are stored in the LIN_Classification_LINEAR parameter, which is displayed in the LINEAR Properties as LINEAR-Classification.

Note: Classification means that components without IFC classification automatically receive the IFC classification corresponding to the calculation type.

Once you have completed the classification, the calculation type is saved either to the specific instance of the component or to all components of this name in the project. When you release your project for collaboration in the BIM context, all classifications are preserved. In addition, the assignment is saved in the (local) user file so that this classification can also be suggested in other projects.

If a project contains unclassified components, suggestions can be loaded from the local user file. Afterwards, a message informs about the number of loaded assignments. The newly loaded classification proposals are saved in the project again after closing the dialog.