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Analyzing Buildings

Get information about the demands analysis of a building with LINEAR Building. The demands analysis includes the calculation of the heat load, the cooling load and the determination of the required air volumes.

After entering or manually creating the building structure and adding the parameters required for the calculations, you can carry out various demands analyses.

The heat load calculations provide the energy required to heat a building to the specified target temperatures, taking into account the calculation method selected in each case. Heat generators and heat transfer systems such as radiators or radiant heating/cooling systems are then designed on the basis of the determined energy demand.

You can carry out cooling load calculations to design air conditioning systems and cooling elements in the rooms according to demands. Section 6 of VDI 2078 is the basis for the cooling load calculations in the simplified method. The scope of these calculations has been extended with selectable load curves. The calculation methods of the dynamic cooling load are not only used to determine the cooling load of rooms to be air-conditioned, but also to calculate room temperatures for rooms of all types, taking into account the correct wall structures. System components that influence the thermal behavior of the space, such as mechanical or natural ventilation and radiant heating or cooling, are an integral part of the calculation procedure and no longer have to be determined using approximation methods.

When determining the air volume, the required outdoor air volumes for residential buildings and rooms in non-residential buildings are determined. Aspects of building physics, ventilation, building technology and hygiene are taken into account in accordance with the standards.

If you only need an approximate demand analysis to determine air volumes or heating loads, for example in early project phases, you can use the approximate calculation methods to carry out an approximate, area-related demand analysis with little effort.