About the System Classes Dialog
Explains the concept of system types, system classes and disciplines in the System classes dialog.
System types

System types serve to classify pipes, ducts and components. The system type is composed of the LINEAR discipline, the LINEAR system class and the Revit system class. The name of the system types is generated by default from the discipline code and the LINEAR system class name. A color and a LINEAR calculation type are assigned to the system types. By assigning the calculation type, the pipes, ducts and components are recognized and dimensioned during the pipe and duct network calculation.
Before constructing pipes and ducts, select a system type through the discipline and the LINEAR system class that is automatically assigned to the pipes and ducts during construction.
System classes
A distinction is made between LINEAR system classes and Revit system classes. The Revit system classes are fixed and can not be extended. In order to be able to use additional system types that are required for the pipe and duct network calculations, there are the LINEAR system classes. Each LINEAR system class is assigned to a Revit system class and a calculation type.
The System classes dialog contains all LINEAR system classes and their properties. This information is used to define the system types. Each system class is assigned a discipline, a Revit system class, and a LINEAR calculation type. Furthermore, an abbreviation and the color representation of pipes and ducts are defined. You can change the LINEAR system classes and create new LINEAR system classes.
Disciplines are the highest organizational elements. Each element in the model is assigned to a discipline.
Disciplines fulfil the following tasks:
provision of the appropriate functions in the construction tab
provision of the appropriate views in the project tab
provision of the appropriate system classes in the construction tab
provision of the appropriate libraries in the library tab
visibility control of pipes, ducts and components in the model
designation of Revit system types for the construction of pipes and ducts