Details on Air Outlet Data
Information about the Air outlet data section in the Rooms dialog of the Duct Network Calculation.
For the determination of the air outlet data, the program reads all air outlets from the drawing. The prerequisite for this is that the rooms are defined as spaces.
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Divides the previously determined target volume equally among all air outlets in the room.
Opens the drawing and zooms to the air outlet marked in the list.
Assigns an air outlet from the drawing to the room marked in the room overview. After clicking the button, select the air outlet in the drawing and confirm with Enter. Confirm the query with Yes to make the assignment.
Tab supply air / extract air / supply/extract air / not defined
If the outlets have the correct system type when recording, the program assigns these outlets directly to the corresponding tabs when the room is opened. The dialog only shows tabs for the air types that are present in the room. If there are, for example, only supply air outlets in the room, the dialog only shows the Supply Air tab. If automatic assignment is not possible, the program sorts the air outlets into the undefined tab.
Air outlet type
Specifies the type of air outlet determined from the drawing.
Select the position of the air diffuser, which is used for the calculation of the sound propagation in the room.
Distance from measuring point
Enter the distance of the air outlet to the measuring point (ear).
Sound radiation angle
Select the sound radiation angle of the air outlet, which is used for the calculation of the sound propagation in the room.
Enter the Flow rate of the air diffuser. Depending on the type, the sum of the volume flow rates is entered in the fields Actual supply air flow rate and Actual extract air flow rate.
Sound pressure level
Specifies the calculated sound pressure level of the selected outlet that is reached at the measuring point.
Actual value
Actual supply air flow rate
Specifies the total supply air flow rate calculated for the room.
Actual extract air flow rate
Specifies the total extract air flow rate calculated for the room.
not defined Actual volume flow rate
Specifies the total volume flow rate calculated for the room for the undefined air types.
Sound pressure level of the selected air outlet
Direction factors
Specifies the direction factors of the selected air outlet per octave band.
Sound level reduction
Specifies the room absorption of the selected air outlet up to the measuring point per octave band.