Details on Parts List e-klimaX
Information about the dialog Parts list e-klimaX of the function e-klimaX export.
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Show only elements with warnings
Reduces the table to the elements for which a warning was issued. This function is especially helpful if you want to adapt non-native part families for an e-klimaX export.
Position number drop-down list (numbering system)
Using the drop-down list, you can select according to which numbering system (circle A, B or C) the item numbers for the parts are displayed in the parts list.
Assign item numbers
Opens the Item numbers dialog. If you have not previously assigned item numbers for the components in the numbering systems A, B or C, you can assign item numbers in this dialog. Select whether you want to maintain existing numbers and resolve conflicts automatically. You also specify Prefix, Postfix as well as a Position number for the starting value of the numbering. If leading zeros are entered, the consecutive position number is formatted with a corresponding fixed block width (e.g. 001, 002, etc.).
Search for item numbers
Opens a dialog where you can enter an item number to search for it.
Select corresponding components in project
If you click this button, the part selected in the table will be searched for in the model, zoomed in and selected. For a comfortable use of this function, a suitable division of the screen area into Revit view and e-klimaX parts list (e.g. two screens) is recommended.
New free text
Inserts a new row at the end of the table, where you can enter an additional remark, for example.
Flange profile ...
Opens the Configure flange profiles dialog where you can define the flange profile parts for the air ducts.
e-klimaX export
Starts the data export to an XML file. A file explorer opens where you specify the location and file name.
Air duct and part data table
The table lists the duct components of the air duct network grouped by component type with their parameters. By clicking the column headlines fields you can sort the table in ascending or descending order.
The fields of the Position and Note columns can be opened and edited for the individual components with a double-click. If a duct has been assigned a pass length, the assigned pass length is indicated in the Comment column.
The entries in the Insulation column initially contain only the Revit type for unknown insulation types. After selecting the respective field, you can use the button open the Select insulation according to e-klimaX dialog, in which you determine an insulation type according to e-klimaX classification via the selection.
All other columns, such as air type, article, quantity, dimensions (a, b, c / d1, ...), area and the insulation only reflect the component parameters and cannot be edited. If you select an item with a message (reddish marking of the fields), details of any missing or incorrect data are displayed below it.