Details on the Editing and View Control Buttons
Information about the buttons for editing pipes and symbols and setting the view on the Create tab.
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Deleting a Symbol
This command removes objects from the drawing. After starting the command, select the objects to be deleted with the left mouse button. This removes the objects from the drawing. If the symbol is inserted into a pipe or duct, the pipe or duct will be closed automatically after the symbol is deleted.
If elements overlap, it is possible that parts of the drawing that have not been deleted will only partially appear or will not appear on screen. Here the AutoCAD command Redraw must be applied to update the screen view.
Copy symbol
This command copies a symbol and breaks an existing line when inserting the symbol. After selecting the symbol, the new insertion point is determined and a copy is inserted. The M (Multiple) option enables multiple insertions of the copy. The R (Rotation new query) allows you to set whether the rotation is to be queried on insertion.
Move symbol
This command moves a symbol and breaks an existing line when inserting the symbol. After selecting the symbol, the new insertion point is determined.
Rotate symbol
This command rotates a symbol and breaks or closes an existing line, if necessary. The rotation angle can be specified as an absolute value or a relative value that can be determined via mouse click. The B option can be used to specify a reference angle (existing angle on another drawing object) for the rotation of the selected symbol.
Mirror symbol
This command is used to mirror a symbol in such a way that any existing attributes can be assigned technically correct, for example, hot and cold water connections. After selecting the symbol, two points are used to determine the mirror axis. Then you will be prompted whether you wish to delete the original object. Enter Y for Yes and N for No. Then the symbol is mirrored.
This command allows you to extend or trim two lines to the common intersection point. When trimming, select the parts of the line that should be preserved. For waste water pipes and other media with chamfer it will automatically be made use of a connection of less than 45°.
Any existing settings for a pipe that originate from the LINEAR Analyse Programs - e.g. material, length, labeling - are lost when the pipes are connected, as new objects are created in the process.
With this function a line is being extended or being shortened to a limit edge. For waste water pipes and other media with chamfer it will automatically be made use of a connection of less than 45°. The position of the first mouse click determines the direction of the chamfer. After selecting the two pipes to be connected or shortened, the connected pipe with chamfer is displayed and you have the option to increase or decrease the chamfer or to have the connection drawn without chamfer. Use the right mouse button to open the context menu and select the corresponding entry or enter g for a larger chamfer, k for a smaller chamfer or o for no chamfer in the command line and confirm with Enter.
Any existing settings for a pipe that originate from the LINEAR Analyse Programs - e.g. material, length, labeling - are lost when the pipes are connected, as new objects are created in the process.
The Stretch function can be used to move, stretch or compress objects. To do this, the selected end points of objects are moved, the other end points keep their original position. Objects that are selected fully are simply moved as a whole. The Stretch function can be used to edit lines, elbows, bands and splines. In the event of polylines, the selected segments are treated in the same way as simple lines. 3D volume models as well as information regarding polyline widths, tangents or curve adaptations cannot be changed using the Stretch function.
Use the crossing window to cross the object to be stretched. Object which you wish to be moved have to be inside the window completely. Confirm your selections and enter the base point and the target point (second point) for the stretching or moving process.
This command combines the commands Copy, Move and Varia. When offsetting, a new object is created that is positioned at a certain distance parallel to the selected object. Lines, elbows and circles may be offset, for example.
This command can only be executed in the top view and is particularly suited to the manual creation of walls using an existing boundary or for the creation of auxiliary lines.
Enter the distance to the original object that the offset object shall get or show the distance in your drawing via mouse click. Then select the object you wish to offset using the left mouse button, and confirm the selection by right-click. Then use a mouse click to determine that side to which the new object is to be offset. Then you can offset other objects with the same distance. Use Enter to end the command.
The Through point option (enter T in the command line or select in the context menu) is preset and enables the moving of several objects with varying distances. After each selected object, you are asked for a point through which the new offset object is to run.
If the Erase option is activated, the source object is removed when the move is performed. After entering E in the command line (or select Delete from the context menu) answer the prompt whether the source object is to be deleted after moving it. To do so, enter Yes (Y) or No (enter N).
The Layer option (enter L in the command line or select from the context menu) specifies whether the new object is to be created on the current layer or on that of the source object. The default setting is the layer of the source object. Enter S for the layer of the source object or C for the current layer.
Get properties
This command determines the medium of the selected drawing element. If you have chosen the Scheme planning of the discipline heating and select a sewage water pipe using the command Get properties the current medium will be set to Sewage water and all media types of the trade Sanitary will be available.
Adjust crosshair angle
This command allows the crosshair to be set in adjustable angular degrees, similarly to setting the title block on a conventional drafting machine. The UCS will not be changed in the process. You can specify the angle in numerical terms in degrees or percent, show the zero line through two points or orient the crosshair to an object in the drawing. In order to turn the crosshair back to its standard setting, restart the command and enter angle 0.
After you have clicked , you can enter more options in the command line.
Show When you type z and Enter in the command line, you can determine the rotation of the crosshair by means of two points.
Percent: When you type % and Enter in the command line, you can determine the rotation of the crosshair by means of an ascending or negative slope in percent.
Object: When you type o and Enter in the command line, you can determine the rotation of the crosshair by means of the selection of an object. Click an object (e.g. a pipe) where the crosshair shall be oriented.
Coordinate jump
Move the coordinate origin of the user coordinate system to the desired location.
Construction plane top view
This button rotates the coordinate system so that you can draw in top view. It is usually rotated so that the XY plane is horizontal. For example, symbols are always drawn in the current XY plane. If you want to draw a symbol in another plane, you must rotate the coordinate system.
If you have already rotated the coordinate system, you can rotate it back to its original position using the Construction plane Top button.
Construction plane left
This button rotates the coordinate system so that you can draw in the view from the left. It is usually rotated so that the XY plane is horizontal. For example, symbols are always drawn in the current XY plane. If you want to draw a symbol in another plane, you must rotate the coordinate system.
Construction plane right
This button rotates the coordinate system so that you can draw in the view from the right. It is usually rotated so that the XY plane is horizontal. For example, symbols are always drawn in the current XY plane. If you want to draw a symbol in another plane, you must rotate the coordinate system.