Oventrop is one of the leading European manufacturers of valves and controls for the Building Services Industry. The company is an expert partner to the stockists, consultants, contractors and industry. Oventrop offers its partners a long term beneficial relationship.

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Oventrop CAD Browser

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Programm zur Anzeige und Übernahme der Zeichnungen
für AutoCAD 2021-2025 und Revit 2021-2025

inkl. CAD Bibliothek Version 2024.0400:

  • Oventrop CAD-Bibliothek:
    • Heizkörperarmaturen
    • Armaturen für den Abgleich von Durchfluss und Druck
    • Absperr- und sonstige Rohrleitungsarmaturen
    • Kessel- und Pumpenarmaturen
    • Wasserarmaturen
  • Oventrop Berechnungs- / Ventildatensätze:
    • Heizkörperthermostatventile
    • Rücklaufverschraubungen
    • Strangregulierventile
    • Differenzdruckregler
    • Durchflussregler
    • Zirkulationsregelventile
    • Freistrom- und KFR-Ventile
    • Kaltwasser-Zirkulationsventil Aquastrom K
    • Spülstationen
    • Wohnungsstationen
    • Flächentemperierung
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489.74 MB
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Sales region(s):
Deutschland, International

Oventrop Firmenprofil

Oventrop is one of the leading European manufacturers of valves and controls for the Building Services Industry. The company is an expert partner to the stockists, consultants, contractors and industry. Oventrop offers its partners a long term beneficial relationship.

Oventrop has a highly skilled, qualified and motivated workforce. Education and advanced training are an important precondition for entrepreneurial success. About 10 % of the workforce are apprentices.

The company plays an important economic role in the region of their location. Job security for their workforce and protection of the environment are given top priority.

Olsberg and Brilon in the "Hochsauerland" region are close to the Dortmund/Kassel motorway.

International Presence
The products are distributed all over the world by subsidiaries and representatives abroad Subsidiaries are e.g. in China, France, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey, Hungary and the USA.

Design, Quality, Innovation
Oventrop products lead in design and innovation. Construction and design are worked on in the factory. Moreover, Oventrop works together with leading external designers. Oventrop is a leading designer of radiator valves and fittings. No other valve manufacturer in the Building Services Industry has received so many awards for their designs.

System Competence
The Oventrop philosophy: to combine valves, controllers and other components for all sectors of the Building Services Industry in an economical, energy-saving and ecological system.


  • 1851    Arnold Oventrop (1820-1871) founds the "Arnold Oventrop & Co. Messing- und Broncewaarenfabrik zu Altena" (bronze and brass works). From the start, the manufacturing programme is founded on materials containing copper. Brassware, e.g. fittings for furniture, doors and windows are produced.
  • 1871    The company is passed on to the sons Friedrich Wilhelm (1847-1935) and Adolf Oventrop (1851-1912)
  • 1886-1904    The town of Altena is by now highly industrialised. Employees are hard to find. Therefore Oventrop sets up further production places in the "Sauerland" region (amongst others in Iserlohn and Bigge).
  • 1922    The son of Friedrich Wilhelm Oventrop, Paul Oventrop (1886-1974) takes over the works in Bigge. (The other works are gradually closed.)
  • 1952    The families Fähnrich and Rump become partners of the company. The company is leading in the field of oil products.
  • 1973    The first oil crisis means drastic cutbacks after the "Economy Miracle" years.
  • 1975    Due to new municipal restructuring, Bigge becomes part of the town of Olsberg. The company's head office is consequently Olsberg.
  • 1980    New manufacturing premises are opened in Brilon. Thermostatic and other valves and controls dominate the programme.
  • 1990    The reunification of Germany and the opening of borders to the East contributes to the company's strong growth.
  • Today    Altogether the company employs 800 people at their two facilities in Olsberg and Brilon. The company has a varied portfolio of over 4,000 products for heating, sanitary and industrial installations on offer. These products are now sold in most countries throughout the world.