Why did you choose the LINEAR software solutions?
The Berlinka Group stands for professional development of construction projects up to luxury real estate and efficient management at the highest level. In the process, we plan and design as well as turn great visions into reality. To meet our own requirements, we need a software solution for integral planning that is up to the challenges of implementing our demanding projects. We worked with a few software solutions for building services planning and ultimately decided on LINEAR. The LINEAR product portfolio is the best overall solution for us. Another important factor was the LINEAR support, which provides us with a quick and easy solution to problems at any time. This guarantees a smooth project flow to meet the often tight schedules.
Which feature of the LINEAR software do you like best and why?
In particular, the compatibility of the LINEAR solution with other software solutions used by our company enables efficient project handling. For example, after calculation we can transfer the material list to our tendering software and use it directly. This saves duplicate work and thus valuable time. Especially in early phases, we like to use the LINEAR Scheme Generator, which has become a useful tool for us due to its simple and intuitive input. The extensive manufacturer data sets and CAD libraries improve the quality of our planning that we can no longer afford to abandon.

What makes a successful project for you?
For me, a project is successful if we can deliver a feasible and efficient building services design within the specified deadline and keep within the budget. When the system is then realized and the client receives a functioning system, the project is a success.
What is your perspective on "digitalization and BIM" in the industry and what do you consider to be the greatest challenges and opportunities in this regard
Digitalization and the resulting closer cooperation between all parties involved offer the opportunity to work more efficiently in the future and to directly benefit from work that has already been done. If we can directly use models from the architect, for example IFC files, in order to carry out our load calculations and further building services planning, we not only save ourselves additional time and effort, but we can also communicate directly through the model and collaboratively lead a joint project to success.

Berlinka Group is known for competent development of construction projects. In order to make each individual property a success, we have linked all aspects of the real estate business and cover the individual business areas from project development to turnkey construction.
We not only place the highest demands on the implementation of our projects, but also expect the highest performance from our employees. Because only outstanding minds realize outstanding projects. We offer first-class development opportunities and create room for innovation.