Details on Group System Classes dialog
Information about the Group System Classes dialog in the context of the scheme workflow.
By default, the settings in this dialog are based on the assignments in the global system class table. If your pipe network contains, for example, six-port valves and flow paths contain different system classes, you can assign several system types or classes to a scheme system class in this dialog in order to be able to derive the pipe network correctly.
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The name is initially taken from the global system class table and can be adjusted if necessary. The name is displayed in the Convert Model to Scheme dialog in the Trade section for selecting the system class to be taken into account.
Drop-down list for selecting the LINEAR system class to which the selected System trypes are to be assigned for creating the scheme.
System Types
Selection of the system types that are to be interpreted as belonging to the selected Classification for the creation of the scheme. Click on to open a list of available system types.
: Adds a new row to the table in which you can create a customized grouping.
: Deletes the currently selected row from the table.
Reset: Restores the delivery status of the configuration. All additionally created groupings are deleted.