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About the Print Layout Editor

Explains the concept of the print layout editor.

At all relevant points of the Solutions software family, it is possible to export calculation results, material, parts and component lists into a printable format. The basis for any export are so-called print layouts, which determine the layout and content of the output.

Each print layout can be customized in the print layout editor. There are two ways of doing this: You can either open the desired print layout for editing in the CAD program/LINEAR Building from the Output or Print preview dialog by right-clickingEdit print layout... , or you can open the desired print layout in the corresponding installation directory under \User-Standards\PrintLayouts by double-clicking in the Print layout editor. LINEAR GmbH recommends creating a copy before editing a print mask in order to be able to return to the original state if necessary. In the Print layout editor, you can customize the layout and remove or add content and graphics.