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Selecting a branch

Shows step-by-step how to select a branch in a duct network using the Select branch function.

Before you begin

You would like to select a complete branch in your duct network without having to select the components individually or using the selection frame.


You have designed a duct network with at least one branch.

Note: The function is currently only available for the discipline ventilation.

Navigate to:

Selection Pipe/DuctRevit ribbonModify tabSelection


  1. In the duct network, select the component starting from which you would like to select a branch with all corresponding components.

    On the Modify | Pipes tab in the Revit Ribbon, the Select branch function button appears.

    Select branch Linear Revit
  2. Click the Select branch button to start the function.
  3. Select any second component located in the duct network in the direction of the branch end.


All components of the branch are selected starting from the initially selected component.

View air duct branch Linear Revit