Details on Classification
Information about the Classification dialog in the Pipe and Air Duct Network Calculation.
In this dialog, assign the appropriate calculation type to a selected component so that this component takes on the desired function in the calculation.
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Applies to: Heating, Potable water, Waste water, Ventilation, Cooling, Gas.

Search field
Filters the domains, functions and classes of the tree structure according to the entered search term. You can also search for partial terms. No distinction is made between upper and lower case.
: Moves to the next hit in the search.
Drop-down List
Contains a list of available TEC files for the currently selected class, if applicable. TEC files contain classes and, if applicable, variants of component classes as well as the relevant calculation data. The drop-down list is activated when a class is selected in the tree structure if there are several TEC files that contain data for the selected class. For example, variants of a class originating from manufacturer data sets can be displayed in the list field when their TEC file is selected.
Tree Structure
The tree structure maps the three-step MepClasses classification system.
The top level is the domain which represents the different subject categories such as Heating/Cooling or Fresh Water/Drainage. Only the domains that are relevant for the currently selected discipline are displayed.
Subordinate to the domains is a classification according to the functions of the components. These groups contain objects that have comparable functions.
The third level of organization is formed by the classes of components. The object classes, which represent specific characteristics of the individual functions, are defined at this level. The calculation types are defined based on the selection of the class. Selecting a class activates the overview of the saved data at the bottom right of the dialog.
List of Variants
In the area at the top right of the dialog, variants of the classes may be offered, which differ, for example, in terms of slightly different technical data and other designations for the output in the parts list. Selecting a variant activates the overview of the stored data at the bottom right of the dialog.
Overview of the Stored Data
The most important data is displayed in the field at the bottom right when a class or variant is selected.