Details on Classify
Information about the Classify dialog in the Pipe and Air Duct Network Calculation.
In this dialog, assign the appropriate calculation types to the family types so that the components in Pipe and Air Duct Network Calculation take on the desired function.
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Applies to: Heating, Potable water, Waste water, Ventilation, Cooling, Gas.

Displays all family types contained in the current selection. Different types of one and the same family are listed individually and can be classified separately.
Classify as
Displays the classification of the component family type for Pipe and Air Duct Network Calculation. A classification is saved for the respective family type in the corresponding family and in a local user file when the dialog is closed. The parameter value of the component classification, which is made up of the domain, the function and the class of the component, is displayed in brackets after the calculation type.
: Opens the Classification dialog in which you assign a calculation type to the component.
Show Element(s)
Displays the components of the selected row in the model. If necessary, the view is aligned so that the corresponding components are visible.
Load Proposals
If your model contains components that you have already classified in the past, you can load the classification suggestions for these components by clicking on this button.