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About Additional Material

Explains the concept of additional material in the pipe network calculation for heating and potable water.

If the pipe network in the model has been designed with a manufacturer’s material or if manufacturer’s material has been assigned to the pipe network for the calculation via the Pipes and Insulations dialog, you can select additional accessories for all manufacturers in the model in the Additional Material dialog. For each manufacturer, the dimensioning of the components included in the pipe system is considered, e.g. T-pieces and transitions with the available nominal diameters. The components are output in the parts list showing the article number of the respective manufacturer.

When selecting a manufacturer used in the model, the program recognizes standard accessories and lists them in the dialogs of the System accessories (only heating) and Product standards sections. Additional material can be added for each material combination.

Install an appropriate data set to use manufacturer systems. Manufacturer data sets can be downloaded via the LINEAR Installation Center. Which dimensions are available depends on the selected system.