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Optimizing MEP Space Placement

Get basic information on how to optimally place MEP places for building detection.

Filling the entire shell of the room

Place your MEP spaces so that the entire shell of the room is filled. This is important for correct relationships between adjacent rooms and detection of exterior components. Afterwards, you can zone the building to assign additional thermal attributes to the rooms.

Activating the room bounding

Activate the Room Bounding property for all components and linked documents relevant to the calculation to ensure that room boundaries are detected correctly.

Checking the offsets

Check the upper and lower offset of automatically placed MEP spaces. The offset is best checked in a Section view.

Checking the modeled volumes

Check that the volume of the room modeled by the MEP spaces is correct in plan as well as in cross-section. MEP spaces search, starting from their definition point, in all directions for room bounding components. If the base area has been determined in the horizontal view, then the MEP space expands in the vertical plane within the specified offset limits until it encounters room bounding components. For more complex room shapes, it may therefore be necessary to define the rooms individually (equipment (e.g. using auxiliary planes or room partitioning lines).

Activating surfaces and volumes

When placing architectural rooms, make sure to enable the Areas and volumes option in the Area and Volume Calculations options (Analyze tabGroup Spaces & ZonesDrop down list Area and Volume Computations). If the option is disabled, incorrect calculation of MEP spaces may occur.