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Details on the Element Classes and Property Sets Dialog

Information about the Element classes and property sets dialog.

The Element Classes and Property Sets dialog contains the Element Classes and Property Sets and Information Levels tabs. On this help page you will find a brief thematic classification of the functionalities of the two tabs. Detailed information on the two tabs can be found on the help pages linked below.

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Revit ribbonLINEAR tabAdministration: Element classes and property sets/information levels

“Element classes and property sets” dialog in the LINEAR Solutionsfor Autodesk Revit

Tab Element Classes and Property Sets

Revit-Categories provide only a rough subdivision of model elements. The rendering, assignment and extension of (possible) properties of an element in the model is therefore correspondingly limited. Element classes in connection with property sets offer a wide extension of the conventional display of properties.

Information Levels Tab

Information levels allow you to filter the amount of data displayed in the LINEAR properties according to the development stage of your model.