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Checking and Completing a Quantity Takeoff

Shows step-by-step how to check and supplement a quantity takeoff.

Before you begin

You have configured the quantity takeoff and want to correct any errors before exporting it.

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For LINEAR component families of rectangular air ducts and fittings, the billing-relevant component parameters in accordance with DIN 18379 are also supplied, which ensures VOB-compliant measurement and standard-compliant classification of fittings for other guidelines via internal mapping.

Within the calculation routine, non-DIN-compliant components or incompatible component parameters are detected and displayed via corresponding error messages in the quantity split dialog. The corresponding components can be displayed or selected in the model via row selection by mouse click with the aid of the magnifying glass tool, and can be post-processed.

Project TabDisciplines ...WorkflowsQuantity TakeoffAnalyse TabQuantity Takeoff ...

Quantity takeoff ventilation Linear


  1. Check the cost classification of the items in the bill of quantity.
  2. If cost groups need to be adjusted, you can either
    • manually enter/correct cost groups in this dialog, or
    • make the appropriate adjustments in the Classification Table dialog, and then recalculate the quantity takeoff in the Quantity Takeoff acc. to [...] dialog by clicking on .
  3. Randomly check the item numbers in the quantity splits.
    • Item numbers can be assigned for components, but not for the associated insulation layers.
    • The calculated sections of air ducts are automatically assigned the position number of the associated air duct.
  4. If position numbers need to be adjusted, exit this dialog and navigate to Construction TabItem Numbers and make the required corrections.


The quanitity takeoff is checked and provided with the required information.