About QR Codes on Plans
Explains the concept of QR codes on plans.
Plans can be provided with a QR code so that the current status of the plan can be checked on the construction site with a simple scan. The page that opens states if the current plan status is up-to-date. This requires a functioning internet connection, as the QR codes are registered and managed on a LINEAR server.
If a digital plan with an existing QR code in LINEAR Solutions is flagged with a new QR code, the existing QR code is replaced by the new one at the same position. The old QR code is deactivated and removed. As soon as the QR code of a plan is digitally updated, the page called up after scanning the QR code on the outdated printout will report that the plan is outdated.
The QR Code List dialog lists all active QR codes with the corresponding plans. In addition to an overview, you also have the option of deactivating QR codes plan by plan. Deactivated codes are reported as obsolete when scanned.
If a plan with a QR code is printed, you are asked whether the existing QR code should be updated before printing. This ensures that changed plans on construction sites always contain an up-to-date code.