Details on the Disciplines Dialog
Information on the Disciplines dialog.
Specify which disciplines are displayed in the LINEAR control board, edit the names or abbreviations of disciplines, and create new disciplines by copying existing disciplines. A newly created discipline contains the same system classes and properties as the discipline it was copied from.
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The name of the discipline can be changed and used to name the system type.
The code is an abbreviation of the discipline and is usually used for the name of the system type. The code can be changed.
Activate the check boxes of the disciplines to be displayed in the LINEAR control board.
Context menu
Right-clicking a line opens the context menu, where you can copy a discipline and delete copies of disciplines.
Load disciplines
Clicking opens the standard directory for user-defined adjustments. In this directory there is the file Disciplines.xml, with which changed discipline abbreviations can be reset to default values. You can also load a table with user-defined discipline abbreviations.
Save disciplines
Saves the table with the currently assigned abbreviations in XML format.