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Perform Data Transfer to Design 3D

Shows step-by-step how to export pipe, sewer network, or electrical routes data from a Revit model or model section to a d3d file for subsequent import and further editing in AutoCAD's 3D Pipe&Power module.

Before you begin

You want to export the data required in AutoCAD for importing pipe and sewer networks or electrical routes.

Navigate to:

Note: The transfer of insulation is currently not yet supported.

Revit ribbonLINEAR

Menu bar Linear Revit


  1. Optional: If required, select the part of the model to be transferred with a 3D selection frame () and, if necessary, use the view filters to hide elements.
    Note: Since not all situations or components used can be imported without errors, there may be gaps in the generation of networks in AutoCAD that require manual editing.
  2. Click Handover to Design 3D.

    The Save as dialog opens.

  3. Navigate to the desired file location, enter a file name and click Save.


The data of the model or model part required for import into AutoCAD has been exported to a d3d file and can be imported into AutoCAD with LINEAR Design 3D Pipe&Power in the next step.