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Configure Routing Presets

Shows step-by-step how you configure the Routing presets of Pipe types for using the Flanges function.

Before you begin

The following Routing presets are absolutely necessary in order to be able to use the functions in the Flanges section.

Navigate to:

Drawing area

Applies to: heating, potable water, waste water, cooling, gas, fire protection.


  1. Click a pipe of the pipe type that you want to add flanges to.
  2. Click Edit type in the Properties section.

    The Type properties dialog opens.

    Type properties Linear Revit

  3. In the Routing presets line click Edit.

    The Routing presets dialog opens.

    Routing pre-settings Linear Revit

  4. For all elements with Flange content, set the Dimension min. to None.


Properties flange Linear Revit

Now you have configured the necessary Routing presets.

What to do next

Now you can work with the Flanges functions without any problem.