Details on Automatic Provisions
Information on the Automatic Provisions section.
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Automatic provisions <
Automatically places void proposals based on your settings.
Rectangular with lateral distance
Enabled: Places rectangular void proposals for rectangular and oval ducts with the specified lateral distance. The lateral distance is the distance between the duct and the inner edge of the opening.
Disabled: Rectangular ducts are ignored when placing void proposals.
Round with max. diameter and lateral distance
Enabled: Places round void proposals for pipes and round ducts. The maximum diameter and the lateral distance are taken into account. The lateral distance is the distance between the duct and the inner edge of the breakthrough.
The maximum diameter refers to the outer diameter of the pipe or duct. If the pipe or duct has a larger outer diameter than specified here, a rectangular opening is placed.
Disabled: Round duct and pipe receive rectangular void proposals.
Place in
Enabled: Places automatic void proposals in walls and/or ceilings or floors.
Summarize automatically
Enabled: Joins rectangular and/or round void proposals for automatic placement considering the settings.
Directly following each other
Enabled: Combines several placeholders that are placed one after another into one placeholder.

Minimal distance
Defines the minimum distance between two breakthrough proposals. If the distance between two breakthrough proposals is smaller than the specified value, the breakthrough proposals are combined into one.