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Assigning Radiator Connections

Shows step-by-step how to assign connections to radiators.

Before you begin

Assign connections to the radiators so that the matching connection material is given out in the material lists.


  • The pipe network is detected.

Navigate to:

Project tabHeating DisciplineAnalyse tab

Analyse tab heating Linear Revit


  1. Open the list Material data if necessary.
  2. Click Radiator Connection ....

    The Assign radiator connector dialog opens.

    Dialog radiator connection Linear Revit
  3. Select a manufacturer, the type of connection, a fitting pipe system and a connecting set.
  4. If the radiator to which the connection is to be assigned, is the last component in a row, activate the Closing set check box.
  5. Click Assign<.
  6. Select the radiators that are to receive the selected connection and confirm with Enter.


The radiator connections are assigned to the selected radiators.