Details on Ejection Process
Information about the Temporal temperature profile (hot water) the function Ejection process <.
Determine for individual hot water consumers, after which time the hot water ejects after the preset testing temperature. For a listing of the ejection times of all tapping points, please refer to the print topic Ejection time of the Output.
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Displays the name of the hot water consumer, its section part number and the component number.
Testing period
Enter the time to be observed during the hot water ejection.
Testing temperature
Enter the temperature which is to be achieved during the hot water ejection.
Diagram: Temperature profile during the ejection process
Shows the hot water temperature in relation to the pipe length. During the simulation of the hot water ejection process the diagram is animated and shows the temporal status change.
Press Esc to interrupt the simulation of the ejection process.
Starts the simulation of the hot water ejection process. Afterwards, the results are displayed underneath the diagram.
After clicking Simulate the ejection times for the set testing temperature, for the steady state ejection temperature and the volume exchange time are displayed.
Component data
Displays the name, the volume flow rate and the inlet temperature of the hot water at the consumer.
Resets the results.
After clicking Close you can select another hot water consumer for the simulation of the hot water ejection process. Press Enter to return to the calculation dialog.