Details on Pipe Tables
Information about the Pipe tables dialog from pipe network calculation.
In these dialogs, neutral pipe systems are offered under the manufacturer User-defined and the systems of the manufacturer you selected under Product data, or all installed manufacturers (for the disciplines Heating and Potable Water).
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Disciplines Heating and Potable Water:
Applies to: Heating, Potable water, Waste water, Ventilation, Cooling, Gas.

Rigid pipes, Flexible pipes and Rectangular Ducts
Depending on the discipline, different tabs and pipe systems along with their pipe tables are available.
The manufacturer User contains neutral pipe systems that can be adjusted and expanded. The input is automatically saved in an external file. If you selected a manufacturer in Product data, they will also be available here. In addition, in the disciplines heating and potable water, you can choose from all installed manufacturers and the associated pipe systems in the drop-down list Manufacturer.
Here you can select all systems that are contained in the selected manufacturer data set.
Table for Pipe Systems
In the upper part, pipe systems from the selected manufacturer are displayed. Pipe systems in User are expandable. To create a new pipe system, click in an empty row of the table for Pipe systems.
Element | Description |
Active | Activate the field for the pipe system you want to use for pipe and duct networks. You can assign different material to individual section parts using the command Component pipe material ...<. Note: This column is not available in the disciplines heating and potable water. |
Name | The name of the pipe system is used for labeling and in parts lists. |
Abbreviation | The abbreviation of pipe system names is used for labeling. |
Roughness | The rougness of the pipe material is used to calculate pressure losses. |
Thickness | For the discipline ventilation, the wall thickness of the duct material is displayed additionally for rectangular ducts. |
Weight | For the discipline ventilation, specific weight of the duct material is displayed additionally. |
Color | The color is used in the function Visualization for visualizing the pipe system. |
Drag coefficient: (Potable Water)
In the discipline potable water each pipe system needs a material-dependent drag coefficient table assigned for the fittings. This assignment usually already exists. If the assignment is missing, select a suitable drag coefficient table for the respective material class.
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Shows or hides the lower table Pipe dimensions.
Table for Pipe Dimensions
In the lower table, availale pipe dimensions of the selected pipe system are shown. Pipe dimensions in User are expandable. To create a new pipe system, click in an empty row of the table for Pipe dimensions. Dimensions are automatically sorted by size.
Element | Description |
Active | Only activated dimensions are considered during calculation. You can specifically exclude certain dimensions from automatic dimensioning by deactivating the field. The deactivated dimensions are still available for manual selection in the calculation dialog in the Section part section. |
DN | Shows the available nominal diameters of the pipe. |
Width, Height | For the discipline Ventilation, oval and rectangular ducts additionally show available widths and heights. Width and Height can be activated or deactivated separately for rectangular ducts. This is helpful if the height or width of a duct must be restricted. |
d interior | Interior diameter is used for calculation and dimensioning. |
d exterior | Exterior diameter is used for assignment of insulation from the insulation tables. |
Indication of dimension | The dimension name can be selected freely and is used for labeling and in parts lists. |
Valve size | Determines the connector size of built in valves. |