Details about Connecting Sets (PW)
Information about the dialog Connecting sets in the pipe network calculation potable water.
If the pipe network in the model has been designed with manufacturer material, or if manufacturer’s material has been assigned to the pipe network for the calculation via the Pipes and Insulations dialog, you can select additional accessories for all manufacturers in the model in the Connecting sets dialog.
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Consumer selection:
Select the type of consumer for which the material is to be set at the discharge valve.
Select the manufacturer system for the material at the discharge valve. The systems of the manufacturer chosen for the design of the pipe network are offered.
Installation position:
Select the installation position for the discharge valve.
Connection type:
Select the connection type for the discharge valve. The available connection types depend on the selected consumer type.
Item table:
The available material for the respective discharge valve is displayed in the table depending on the selection for consumer type, system, installation position and connection type. In the Qty. column, you can specify the desired quantity for the material. In the A column, you can activate the material so that it is included in the parts list.
If you have assigned manufacturer material to the pipe network, a preselection of the material at the discharge valve is set in the table for each consumer type. You can change the selection and the quantities.