Details on Component Data for Ventilators
Information about the technical data dialog for ventilators.
The ventilator is the central component of a system. Hence, system abbreviation, system name and general comments are managed here.
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Specifies the name of the component. You can modify the name. Clicking restores the default setting.
System data
The system type is essential for the calculation. The flow direction has significant impact on the dynamically determined drag coefficient of the fittings. A number of plausibility checks of Air Duct Network Calculation are based on the correct system type. The system type is determined on the basis of the system of the first duct after the initial component.
When installed, ventilators are automatically installed by Revit with the "incoming" connection in the drawing direction of the duct (which is not necessarily the subsequent flow direction). LINEAR cannot change this behavior. Rotate ventilators manually, if needed, by using the Revit command Rotate.
Pressure loss calculation
The sub dialog Pressure loss calculation displays the calculated total air flow rate and the necessary (external) ventilator compression.
Volume flow rate (Dimensioning): For your information, the cumulative volume flow rate of all outlets considering all volume flow rate changes caused by temperature differences is displayed here.
Ventilator compression: By default, the ventilator compression is calculated. The following options are available:
Fixed: Here a constant fan pressure should be specified as target flow rate. In the event of simulation, the specification corresponds to a constant pressure of a (constant) differential pressure regulation of the ventilator.
Calculate: In this case, the pressure is determined in the working point of a ventilator. Simulation is not possible for this option.
Characteristic curve: Here, you can enter the true characteristic curve with at least two value pairs for volume flow rate/compression, taken from a manufacturer catalog e. g. The preset characteristic curve can then be used for the dimensioning and simulation of the duct network.
The characteristic curve is intended to work with all established ventilators and regulating devices. The three most important characteristic curves are:
constant characteristic curve, e. g. with constant differential pressure control
linear characteristic curve, e. g. with variable differential pressure control
quadratic characteristic curve, e. g. for ventilators without regulation
The smallest and largest entry for the volume flow rate is used to verify that the calculated and simulated volume flow rates are within this volume flow rate interval. If an interpolation is necessary, a message will be issued in the report.
Manufacturer data: If manufacturer data is stored for the ventilator, the radio button will be visible and activated after calculation. The calculated volume flow rate of the ventilator is output in the Volume flow rate (Dimensioning) field after successful calibration against the value stored in the manufacturer's data with a tolerance of 1 %. The calculated ventilator pressure build up required for the duct network is compared with the manufacturer's specifications with a tolerance of 5 % and displayed in the field Ventilator compression. If the tolerances are exceeded, reports are output. By comparing the calculated values with the manufacturer's specifications, it is ensured that the sound levels stored in the manufacturer's specifications are complied with.
Sound level
If the check box Calculate sound level is activated, the suction and pressure side sound levels of the fan are calculated according to VDI 2081. The sound level of the octave bands is calculated on the basis of the type, speed and, if necessary, the number of blades. If manufacturer data is stored for the ventilator, the sound level from the manufacturer data is displayed, the Sound level calculation check box is hidden and the activated check box acc. to manufacturer specifications appears. The residual sound level at the outlet can be either A-weighted for all octave bands or not be weighted at all. The design of ventilator units is determined by classification.
Information on these sections of the component data can be found on the page “Details on duct component, pressure loss calculation, sound level, duct material/insulation and geometry in the components”.