Details on Technical Data for Potable Water Heater
Information about the component data dialog for potable water heater.
There are water heaters with and without Hot water circulation connection that can be inserted into your pipe network as required. A potable water heater has two or three connection points.
If you intend to include several water heaters in a calculation, the hot water networks resulting from these have to be separate from each other!
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Specifies the name of the component. You can modify the name. Clicking restores the default setting.
Settings – Potable water side
Pressure loss: The pressure loss can be entered as a fixed value in hPa.
Storage volume: Opens the Storage volume determination according to dialog, where you can determine storage volume according to DIN 4708 for residential buildings. Alternatively, you can directly enter a storage volume.
Hot water temperature: The specification of a hot water temperature affects the calculation of the temperature differences in any circulation pipelines present. In addition, this hot water temperature also applies to the calculation of cold and hot water proportions in mixing valves. If you edit the temperature manually, the value is displayed in bold type.
: Resets edited hot water temperatures to the default setting again.
If multiple potable water heaters are contained in a pipe network, the temperatures for each component can be entered separately.
Settings – Circulation side
Name circulation system: You may edit this field only if the potable water heater has a connection for circulation pipes. Otherwise, this field will be deactivated.
Heat exchanger pressure loss, Circulation flow rate: Enter the pressure loss created by the heat exchanger and the corresponding circulation flow rate.
Design flow rate
Limiting design flow rate: Generally, special flow rate water heaters (e.g. electric flow water heaters) are only able to provide a limited amount of hot water for each interval. This, among other things, depends on the heating performance and the difference in temperature between the cold water and the hot water.
If you wish to limit the flow rate through the potable water heater, activate the Limiting design flow rate checkbox. This reduces all maximum volume flow rates before and after the heater to the specified flow rate.
Heat capacity: In Heat capacity, you may specify the maximum heat capacity of the potable water heater. The value for the maximum design flow rate results from this.
Maximum Design flow rate: The Maximum design flow rate resulting from the heating performance and the hot water temperature is shown after the confirmation of your inputs (after you exit the edit field).
The limiting of the flow rate affects all peak flow rates before and after this potable water heater. This option should generally not be used for potable water storage tanks, since a storage tank allows a higher peak flow rate due to its capacity over a certain requirement period. If the option is activated (e.g. for a flow water heater), you reduce the flow rates depending on the capacity, and you allow the potable water heater to influence your pipe dimensioning due to its capacity. This option is not part of the basis of calculation.