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Details on Configuration - Heat Load

Information about the Heat load section in the Configuration of LINEAR Building.

In the Heat load section, information about the heat transmission resistances for the U-values, general correction factors for ground and weather, and the extended zeta values to be used in the heat load can be set individually.

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Configuration Linear Building Dialog

Supplementary data

Heat transmission resistances...: Opens the Heat transmission resistances dialog where you can enter different values for Rsi and Rse for the heat load calculation.

Correction factors, general: Opens the Correction factors, general dialog, where you can set general correction factors such as weather of building components or thermal conductivity of the ground deviating from the standard.

Zeta value: Opens the Extended Zeta Values dialog, where you can adjust effective percentage of ventilation heat loss at the same time.


Applies only to the calculation based on Germany: 1 the DIN EN 12831 (2008).

Temperatures of generally heated or unheated rooms

At the room level, in the Transmission area in the adjoining to column, if you select heated room or unheated room, the temperatures entered here will be used.