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Details on Correction Factors

Information about the General correction factors dialog in the Configuration for Heat load.

These correction factors are used in the calculation of the standard transmission heat loss through building components to the outside. When selecting the calculation method, the values stored on the standard are automatically set here. A manual adjustment of these values is possible and useful if concrete measured values are available. Manually adjusted values are displayed in bold.

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Menu barOptionsConfiguration...Heat loadCorrection factors, general

General correction factors Linear Building

Ground-adjoining area

Variation T_a fg1: Correction factor for annual variation of outside air temperature.

adjoin. Earth collector (> 25 % of ground-adjoining perimeter against unheated): This option is only enabled if you select an Austrian standard as the calculation basis.

Ground water level influence Gw Correction factor for the influence of ground water depth.

Heat conductivity of ground: Heat conductivity of the ground for the calculation of the transmission heat loss for components in contact with the ground.

Areas adjoining outside air or unheated side rooms

Weather component ek: Correction factor for component, caused by the weather.

Weather thermal bridge el: Correction factor for thermal bridges, caused by the weather.

Standard: Resets manually adjusted values to default values.