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Details on Disciplines

Information on the Disciplines section.

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Project tab

Disciplines ...

Opens the Disciplines dialog, where you specify which disciplines are displayed in the Control Board. In the dialog you can also edit the names or abbreviations of disciplines, and create new disciplines by copying existing disciplines. A newly created discipline contains the same properties as the discipline it was copied from.

Disciplines section

The selection of the storey fulfills the following tasks:

  • provision of the appropriate functions in the construction tab

  • provision of the appropriate views in the project tab

  • provision of the appropriate system classes in the construction tab

  • provision of the appropriate libraries in the library tab

  • visibility control of pipes, ducts, components and architecture in the model

The software distinguishes between selecting a building part, storey or discipline (marked in blue) and activating the check box. The check box controls the visibility of the discipline. Selecting a discipline so that it is highlighted in blue means that this discipline provides the functions on the Construction tab, the Library tab, and the Analyse tab.



Opens or closes the list of disciplines.

Discipline activated

Discipline deactivated

If you activate the check box for a discipline, the discipline is added to the active view and all elements of the discipline are displayed.

If you deactivate the check box for a discipline, the discipline is hidden.

If you hold Shift down and activate the check box, the selected discipline is displayed. All other disciplines are hidden.

If you hold Ctrl down and activate the check box, all discipline are shown.

Show or hide elements

If you hover the mouse over a discipline, the button is displayed that allows you to show or hide elements of different categories in the active view:

  • Elements of architecture (e.g. building, model, spaces, zones)

  • Components

  • Pipes or ducts filtered according to system classes

  • Pipe insulation or air duct insulation

  • Void proposals filtered by status (pending, rejected, accepted)

  • Cables, cable trays and conduits from the electric discipline


If you activate or deactivate the Pipe insulation checkbox in a discipline, the pipe insulation is switched on or off in all disciplines.

With air duct insulation, the inner and outer insulation are shown or hidden together.