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Resolving Topic Conflicts after Manual Update

Shows step-by-step how to view and resolve conflicts between several topics reported after a manual update.

Before you begin

When editing multiple issues from different topics, you received a message that the topic is already being edited by another user and you cannot save until the other user synchronizes and releases the elements. The question whether you want to reset your changes was answered with No, because you want to keep your changes. After you edited your issues, you clicked Reload Latest on the Collaboration tab in the Revit Ribbon and received a conflict message. You want to resolve these conflicts.

Navigate to:

Project tabDisciplineIssues and tasks tab

Applies to all disciplines.


  1. If you want to see the differences between the individual issues, click on in the respective table row.

    The Merge dialog opens.

  2. Use the buttons Use the buttons to select from the following options:
    • Copy the content from the central model (source) into your project. This causes your changes to the corresponding issue to be discarded and overwritten with the information from the central model.
    • Keep your own contents (target).

    If you have transferred your own contents (target), further steps are necessary:

  3. Save your project.
  4. In the Revit Ribbon, on the Collaboration tab, click Synchronize now to communicate your changes to all users.


The conflicts have been resolved and your project is synchronized with the central model.