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Details on Edit Issue

Information on the Edit issue dialog.

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Project tabDisciplineIssues and tasks tab Issue Edit issue

Text fields

Text field



The title of the issue. Displayed in the issue list within the Issue section.


Description of the contents of the issue. Displayed in the Issue section.


Categorizes issues into weighting levels. You can choose between Note, Warning and Error. Types can be renamed and added in the options.


Categorizes issues by degree of processing. You can choose between Proposal, Open, In progress, Rejected, Accepted and Closed by default. Statuses can be renamed and added in the options.


Free text field. Specify the milestone up to which the report is to be processed. Once milestones have been entered, they can be selected from the drop-down list in all other reports.


You can attach keywords to an issue. The entry of a keyword must be confirmed with Enter. Tags can be used for filtering.


The priority of the issue. Priorities can be extended and renamed in the options.

Due date

Concrete date on which the issue is to be processed.


Author of the issue.


Person who should edit the issue.