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About Pipe Laying

Explains the concept of laying pipes for panel heating circuits and panel cooling circuits.

When laying pipes, panel heating circuits and panel cooling circuits are inserted into the model as components. Pipe systems from different manufacturers are available for this purpose. The selection of the pipe is made by selecting the manufacturer, the system, the dimension, the laying pattern and the grid. The pipes are laid within construction areas. You can choose between a detailed and a simplified representation. In the simplified display no detailed families are generated with laying patterns for each circuit. This makes it possible to keep the file size of the project small. Moreover, in the simplified display in rooms with multiple circuits, you can move the connections of the circuits within the room, independently of the laying of the feed pipes. As such, you can connect the circuits to a manifold, without having to yet think about the detailed laying of the feed pipes within the room.

After the construction of the pipe laying, the panel heating/cooling elements can be connected with the Pipes < function.

Install an appropriate data set to use manufacturer systems. Manufacturer datasets can be downloaded via the LINEAR Installation Center.