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Activating the System Type Parameter for MEP Fabrication Parts

Shows step-by-step how to activate the LIN_FABRICATION_SYSTEM parameter for MEP fabrication parts in the component properties to subsequently assign a system type to this parameter. MEP fabrication parts require this parameter to perform the pipe and duct network calculation.

Before you begin

You want to make it possible to calculate with MEP fabrication parts in an air duct network and for this purpose you want to make the parameter LIN_FABRICATION_SYSTEM available in the component properties.


You have designed an air duct network that includes MEP fabrication parts.

Navigate to:

Air duct componentRevit ribbonManage tabSettings


  1. Click Project Parameters.

    The Project parameters dialog opens.

  2. Click the button New Parameter .

    The Parameter Properties dialog opens.

  3. In the Parameter Type area, select the Shared parameter option.
  4. Click to Select....
    Note: Make sure that the parameter file with the LINEAR parameters is loaded under Shared parameters.

    The Shared Parameters dialog opens.

  5. In the Parameter group: drop-down list, select the entry LINEAR_Common.
  6. In the Parameter: field, select the parameter LIN_FABRICATION_SYSTEM.
  7. Close the Shared parameters dialog by clicking OK.
  8. In the Parameter Data area, select the Instance option.
  9. In the Group parameters under: drop-down list, select Text.
  10. In the tree structure of the Categories area, activate the MEP Fabrication ductwork checkbox.
    Note: You can filter the tree structure by entering the term MEP in the Category name search: field in the Categories area.
  11. Confirm the entries in the Parameter properties dialog by clicking OK.


You have activated the parameter for MEP fabrication parts to use it for the corresponding parts. The parameter is now listed in the properties for all parts in the MEP Fabrication ductwork category. In the next step, you can assign a value (system type) to this parameter to make your network billable.