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Details on Data Transfer from Rooms

Information on the Data transfer from rooms section.

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Project tab Architecture discipline Construction tab

Data transfer from rooms <

If you click here, the data is transferred from the rooms to the spaces under consideration of your settings.

Only in active view

Activated: the data of the rooms are only transferred to spaces in the active view.

Deactivated: the data of the rooms are transferred to all existing spaces in the project.

Apply name, Apply number

Activated: The name or number from the respective room is transferred to the corresponding space. The $Name and $Number variables can be combined:

  • The variable combination MEP_$Name ($Number) will name the space e.g. MEP_Living (3).

By using curly brackets, you can apply any text parameters from the associated rooms (architecture rooms or lfcSpaces, for example) in the room names and room numbers of the spaces. The exact names of the parameters must be ascertained beforehand from the example spaces in the Revit Properties or in an IFC viewer.

This can be helpful in situations where the default name and number parameters are not used in the architectural document, for example. Examples of this from actual practice include IFC architectures in which room names are stored in the LongNameOverride parameter and the room numbers in IfcName. In such cases, the syntax $ is to be used as in the following picture.

Apply further parameters

Activated: Shared parameters are transferred to the spaces. Click to open the Apply further parameters dialog for selection.