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Details on Table of Variables - Psi values

Information on the table of Psi values in the master tables.

Psi values that you use over and over again can be saved as variables. Variables can then be used instead of absolute values. This way, if you need to make corrections, you only need to change a frequently used value in one place.

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Table Psi values

The table of Psi values lists the supplied variables of length-related heat transmission coefficients and allows editing these variables and creating new ones. Xi values for punctual thermal bridge supplements shall also be applied in this table. Depending on which component the variable is assigned to (horizontal and vertical or punctual thermal bridge supplements), the stored value is used either as Psi or Xi value.

By clicking you have the possibility to copy the contents of the table with or without column heading and paste it into Excel.

If you have selected individual rows or cells, you can copy the selected data with the key combinations Ctrl+C (with column heading) or Ctrl+Shift+C (without column heading) and paste it into Excel, for example.

Table 1. Column description




Sets the name of the variable.

Wert W/mK

Sets the Psi or Xi value of the variable.


This function is only relevant for heating load calculations according to SN SIA 384/2:2020 and allows you to define a factor for the variable.

Use this function, for example, if a thermal bridge supplement is to be taken into account for several components. For interior walls between two rooms with an exterior wall, you can specify by a factor of e.g. 0.5 that half of the influence of the thermal bridge supplement is taken into account for each room during the calculation. By specifying factors > 1, you can work, for example, in situations where a component has several equal thermal bridge supplements. This saves you from assigning the same thermal bridge supplement to a room component multiple times.

The factor specified here is displayed in the list of room components at room-level in the column n.