Details on Kelvin-hours Above/Below Set Point in the Settings
Information about the Temp. hours tab in the Settings dialog of the dynamic cooling load calculation.
Kelvin-hours above/below set point are counted per started hour and per "started" degree. If the Reference temperature cooling is 25°C, two hours (per year) at 26.5°C will result in four Kelvin-hours above set point. . Similarly, two hours (per year) of 17.9°C at a reference temperature of 20°C for a heating case result in a total of six Kelvin-hours below set point.
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Kelvin-hours above/below set point (Annual simulation)
Activate determination
Activated: The Kelvin-hours above/below set point are determined and displayed in the result overview of the rooms.
Cooling reference temperature, Heating reference temperature
If this temperature exceeds or falls below the limit, Kelvin-hours above/below set point are determined. You can enter the temperature manually or select a standard-based reference temperature by clicking .
Period of use (...)
Opens the Operating profiles dialog, where you can create or select a new profile. Kelvin-hours above/below set point are only recorded in the specified time frame.
Max. Kelvin-hours above set point, Max. Kelvin-hours below set point
Number of maximum Kelvin-hours above/below set point permitted per year. You can enter the value manually or select a standard-based reference temperature by clicking . If the defined values are exceeded, a warning is issued for the respective room.