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About Building Units and Ventilation Zones

Explains the concept for building units and ventilation zones.

A building unit (BU) is a part of a building used by a party, in which the party can individually control the heat supply. A room cannot be part of two building units.

A ventilation zone (VZ) consists of rooms that have a direct or indirect air connection due to their dimensioning. According to the dimensioning, there is no air exchange between ventilation zones. Therefore, one room cannot be part of two ventilation zones.

In the building data, you set globally at which structural level you want to define building units and ventilation zones. Depending on this setting, you have the option of excluding a building part from being considered as a building unit at the level set. This is useful, for example, for staircases or shared basements.
Table 1. Examples for BU and VZ
Building BU VZ Notes
One-family house Project Project
Multi family house, ventilation per apartment Apartment Apartment Staircase no part of a BU
Multi family house: Apartment over several storeys Apartment Apartment Numbers and names of the connected apartment have to be identical.
Multi family house, ventilation central Apartment Project Staircase no part of a BU
Shopping Mall Area Storey, project Optional Atrium own area
Shopping mall, two ventilation systems per storey for BU Area Storey Division into building parts, create same storeys per building part
Industrial building (hall and offices own VZ) Project Building part Create different storeys per building part
Office building (one company) Project Storey, project
Hospital Project Area