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Details on the Select Classification Dialog

Information on the Select classification dialog.

Allows the assignment of values from the catalogs of the classification systems to a classification parameter.

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Revit ribbonLINEAR tabClassification

Search term

Used to enter a search term for a full-text search for the categories of the classification system and their assigned values. Upper and lower case is not relevant. Press ESC to delete the entered search term.


Allows the filtering of the displayed classification elements using Revit categories. The dialog automatically sets the category filter if the relevant category is stored in the catalog of the classification system. Selecting <all> causes the entire catalog of the classification system to be displayed.

List of classification elements

Displays the classification elements and their assigned values based on the filter that is set or the search term entered. A double-click causes the parameter to be directly adopted in the Classification table.

The Selection text box displays the currently selected value and cannot be edited.