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About Classification

Explains the concept of classifying components and model elements.

With the LINEAR classification function you can assign a classification parameter to components and model elements and fill it with values. This allows model content to be structured with a variety of aspects, and uniform classification standards to be realized project wide. The information assigned through classification systems can then be automatically read out and processed. The classification systems have a hierarchical structure and contain unique identifiers, which can be assigned a number of elements to unify them in respect to the classification aspect. Classification systems are always dependent on the given purpose of the exchange of information, and are used principally to write a defined parameter to elements.

As follows we will restrict ourselves to the classification of building components in services engineering, but a similar approach can also be applied to other model elements such as constructions, rooms, documents, etc. in the context of BIM.

Depending on the parameter type, the classification function can be used to classify either individual components or component types. With the help of suggestion generation, you can have classification suggestions output in the LINEAR pipe network calculation based on the classification of the component. Before writing the parameters to the components or component types, it is important to always check generated suggestions for correctness.

The classification function is a very generic tool that allows you to adapt the classification systems that already exist to the needs of your project. You can even create your own classification systems. Adapting and creating your own classification systems should only be done by people with the necessary expertise for this. More information about adapting and creating can be found in the On the adapting and creating of classification systems concept and the associated tasks.

The following classification systems with a variety of schemes have already been created.

Industry Foundation Classes

With this classification system you can more finely structure the classification of component groups in the IFC export. In the IFC export, HLS components are output as IfcBuildingElementProxy by default. By using this classification system you can define the "IfcExportAs" or "IfcExportAs[Type]" parameter on the component types. During the export procedure the newly assigned parameters overwrite the existing IFC classes and types. Even if you don’t export to IFC, this classification is still a good way to more finely distinguish different component groups than is possible with the standard Revit categories.

The following schemes are available:

  • IFC 4.1
  • IFC 2x3 TC1

Cost groups

With this classification system you can classify components related to your cost group, so as to derive more precise cost estimates from a building model. For example, you can implement allocation based on the system affiliation of the components, to assign escaping and outside air components to different cost groups.

The following schemes are available:

  • DIN 276 (2018-12)
  • SN 506 511 (2012-de)
  • ÖNORM B 1801-1 (2021-02)