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About Adapting and Creating Classification Systems

Explains the concept of adapting and creating classification systems.

The classification function is a generic solution that allows you to adapt existing classification systems to the needs of your project and create your own classification systems. Classification systems should only be adapted and created by experts with an administrative role in the project. Moreover, all the content of this concept should be read and applied in the respective process.

A classification system is principally used to write a defined value of a classification parameter. The values of a classification system can be based either on numbers- (cost groups) or name-based (Industry Foundation Classes). In name-based systems, the only role the numbers play is in organization.

Classification systems must be adapted and created manually using the respective source files. Templates are available for creating classification systems.

As follows, the required and optional files which a classification system can consist of will first be explained, as well as their functions and relationships to one another. After that, the storage location of the source files and the directory properties that must be considered will be explored. Then you will learn about the main points that must be observed when adapting and creating classification systems.

Files of a classification system

At a minimum, classification systems should consist of an index file and a catalog (Classification.xlsx). An allocation file (Mapping.xlsx) and a wordbook (Wordbook.xlsx) can optionally expand a classification system.

Index.xml (required)

The index file is where the classification system or systems and their schemes (versions) are administered. The file must be named Index.xml, otherwise it won’t be recognized by the program. The index file defines the IDs of the classification systems, their names in the program interface, and the parameters to be written. The ID must be unique, and may not be identical to classification systems from an index file in a different directory.

The parameter type (ParameterType=) defines whether a classification system writes to all components of a component type ("Type") or to individual elements ("Instance").

Aside from the version IDs and their names in the program interface, the paths to the xlsx source files are also defined in the schemes (Versions).

Catalogs (optional)

Catalogs (Classification.xlsx) define the class hierarchies of the classification systems, and can be accessed in the program via the Select classification dialog. A catalog can be based on either numbers or descriptions. Of course, in cases of number coding, a description can also be listed for users. This is the case in the DIN 276 catalog, for example.

These catalogs are compatible with the format of the Classification Manager of Autodesk BIM Interoperability Tools. Documentation of the format can be found on the first worksheet Instructions of each catalog. This compatibility allows you to profit from external data and, if you are already working with this format, easy integration of your existing data structures.

If a classification system does not include a catalog, you cannot select from it and the classification parameters can only be entered manually.

Assignments (optional)

Assignments (Mapping.xlsx) allow the generation of suggestions with the Make suggestions button. The classification suggestions are based on the classification of the component in the LINEAR pipe network calculation. When suggestions are generated, the computation types (class and subtype) and/or the internal system codes (System) are used to make suggestions. An example of numbering up to the system class level using an internal system code can be found in the eBKP-Mapping.xlsx allocation system. The identified suggestions are based on the classification parameters that are assigned to the internal computation types or system codes in the allocation system. Before the suggested classifications are written to the model, they should always be checked again for correctness.

Wordbooks (optional)

In name-based classification systems, wordbooks (Wordbook.xlsx) allow the integration of localized terms, which are then issued depending on the set interface language.

If you want to integrate a wordbook in a classification system, you can copy the IFC-Wordbook.xlsx file and use it as template.

Classification system directories

Directory of the supplied classification systems

In the LINEAR installation directory: ..\CAD\RevitMain\Support\Classification the files of the classification systems supplied with the program can be found. In this directory no changes should be made to the existing classification systems and no new classification systems created, because all changes and newly created classification systems could be deleted when an update is carried out.

Directory for modified and newly created classification systems

In the LINEAR installation directory: ..\CAD\RevitMain\User-Standards\Classification you will find templates for creating your own classification systems. If you want to adapt the files of existing classification systems to your own needs, you must copy the relevant files including the index file into this directory from the directory where already existing classification systems are found. When modifying any classification systems that already exist, it is important to change the ID of the classification system in the index file.