Details on Pipe Manifold in the Heating Discipline
Information on the Pipe manifold dialog in the heating discipline.
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Loaded manifolds:
If you have already defined pipe manifolds in your project, you can select the desired family from the drop-down list. The data of the pipe manifold are then displayed in the dialog. If you change the data and click OK, all instances of this family in the project will be changed.
Creates a copy of the selected pipe manifold. For the copied family, the name of the existing pipe manifold is assigned with the addition Clone.
Opens the Specify family name dialog, where you can change the name of the selected pipe manifold.
Manifold: Pipe type
Select the pipe material for the whole manifold (main pipe and ports).
Manifold: Diameter
Select the diameter for the main pipe. The available dimensions depend on the selected pipe type.
Manifold: Number of feet, Height of feet
Enter number and height of manifold feet. The outer feet are placed flush to the outer edge of the main pipe. The remaining feet are distributed evenly over the length of the distributor.

Manifold: Distance to the left, Distance to the to the right
Determines the distances of the outer ports to the outer edge of the main pipe.

Manifold: Distance type
Under Distance type, choose between clear distance and axis distance. Distance type applies to all ports of the manifold.
Port: Table
In the table you define the ports of the pipe manifold. The first row of the table represents the outer left port of the manifold.
Port: Diameter, Length
The diameter of the port depends on the selected pipe type in the Manifold group. The length of the port is measured from the main pipe to the flange end or pipe end.

Port: Distance to previous one
This field is not activated for the first port. Here, the Distance to the left from the Manifold group is used. For all other ports, enter the distance to the previous port. The Distance type setting in the Manifold group determines whether the clear distance or the axis distance is used.
Ports: Connection type
Choose between welded/screwed and flange connection. For the Distance type Clear distance, the outside edge of the flange will be used. If a flange does not match the selected pipe diameter of the port, a message is displayed and the connection type is changed to welded/screwed.
Creates a new port in the table.
Removes the selected port.
Upward, Downward
Moves a port up or down in the table.
If you have created a new pipe manifold family, the family is loaded into the project by OK and you can place the component in the project.
If you have changed an existing family, the changes are saved in the family . Click OK to change all instances of this family contained in the project.