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Details on Flange Profile Configuration

Information about the dialog Flange profile configuration in e-klimaX export.

In this dialog you configure the flange profiles that are used for your air duct system in the e-klimaX export and exported with it.

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Flange profile

In the Air duct flange profile column, select the flange profile elements for the air ducts and components. You can configure connectors for component (to component) and rectangular (to rectangular) air ducts.

for fitting length

Dropdown list to select connectors for ducts with assigned fitting length. All connectors from the e-klimaX range are available for selection.

up to edge length of

Specifies the edge length up to which a connector is used.

Insert row

Clicking the button inserts a new line under a selected one.

Delete row

Clicking the button will delete the selected row.

Standard values

Clicking the button resets all values in the dialog to the default values.