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About Quantity Takeoff and Export for Tendering Software

Explains the concept of the Quantity Takeoff workflow.

Quantity take-off

The aim of this workflow is the automatic quantity takeoff on the basis of Revit-parameters and manufacturer data (LINEAR CAD Browser-data) for the preparation of bills of quantity (tender documents).

At the moment, this is already possible for the discipline Ventilation; in the future, a successive extension to all disciplines and further standards is planned.

With the Quantity takeoff workflow, it is possible to carry out a quantity takeoff in accordance with the German Construction Tendering and Contract Regulations (Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen (VOB)) or standards for pre-classified components and to map it to items in the bill of quantity as partial services with short texts, optional long texts and a cost breakdown/classification for the data export.

You can define the scope of the area to be exported and decide whether already exported components should be considered for the export.

Export to Common Formats

A calculated quantity takeoff can be exported as a bill of quantities in the formats GAEB (*.x81), Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx) and as a BIM-LV-container (*.mmc). The following requirements apply for export:
  • The ventilation system is completely modeled.
  • All components are correctly and completely classified.
  • All settings for pressure, sound, connections and material data (e.g. insulation) have been made.
  • The model is calculated and air ducts and fittings are correctly dimensioned: Modeled component dimensions correspond to calculated dimensions, the model has been redimensioned if necessary after calculation.

Ideally, for documentation of costs and for system referencing in the export file, all components are assigned item numbers and classified by cost groups. The classification of costs can be made in advance in the Classification Table dialog. The item numbers can be created and assigned as part of the Quantity takeoff workflow on the Construction tab.

Optionally, changes and additions to the cost classification can be subsequently maintained in the quantity takeoff before export.