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Details on Ambient Temperatures

Information on the dialog Ambient Temperatures in the discipline Potable Water.

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Dialog Ambient temperatures in the LINEAR Solutions for Autodesk AutoCAD

In this dialog, you can edit ambient temperatures to simulate load cases for the circulation and network temperature simulation, for example.

If you have not assigned ambient temperature to section parts, cold water pipes are globally assumed to have an ambient temperature of 25 °C, according to standard, and hot water pipes (incl. circulation pipes) are assumed to have an ambient temperature of 10 °C.


Before assigning the ambient temperatures, be aware of the exact temperatures at the locations.

If you assign different ambient temperatures to cold and hot water pipes, e.g. because the pipes are structurally separated in a shaft, these temperatures are also used in the simulations. The temperatures of surrounding pipes are not taken into account.

Cold Water (global ...), Hot Water (global ...)

Enter the ambient temperature for the cold water pipes as well as hot water and circulation pipes here or select a room type-specific default value from the Ambient Temperatures dialog by clicking on .

Clicking on the unit next to the Cold Water and Hot Water input fields opens the following context menu, which you can use to adjust the unit used and the number of decimal places:

Context menu for defining the unit used and the number of decimal places for the ambient temperatures


After clicking on this button, you can select the pipe sections in the drawing to which you want to assign the selected ambient temperatures.


After clicking on this button, you can select the pipe sections in the model whose locally assigned ambient temperatures are to be removed.

Show ambient temperature

Visualizes the ambient temperatures of the pipes in the drawing.

Global Increase/Decrease

Here you can increase or decrease all assigned ambient temperatures globally by a certain value. If you enter the value -3, for example, all ambient temperatures are reduced by 3 Kelvin. This global change is applied directly in the visualization () and the simulation of the network temperatures. The change is not assigned to the pipes separately.